strong stories

We work with strong and empowered women all over the world. These are their stories.

  • I worked with quite a few different coaches in the past, but never truly felt like I was being listened to until I worked with Kelsey. Kelsey is not only my coach but has grown into one of my friends through the years I've worked with her. I feel like she truly cares about me as a person and not just another client as I've felt in the past. I've got some medical issues that can work against me and she's the first coach that's actually dived deep into research to help me achieve my goals. She genuinely wants to see me succeed in all aspects of my life but also with my health. Even when I have the crazy week in my life where I just fall off or don't live up to my own standards, she's always there encouraging me and not telling me, "You aren't trying hard enough, this is your fault" Her words are what get me through to keep improving even when I hit those bumps in the road. I would highly recommend her to anyone! Totally worth the investment to have the extra accountability and push that I need, as well as someone that's on my team. I'm so grateful she's in my life!!

    — Megan

  • Training with Kelsey has truly helped me beyond just seeing changes with my body. She’s truly helped with the way I look at food and how I care for & love my body through the journey. Kelsey is hands down the best encourager, listener, and motivator. Anytime I had any doubts or worries, she’d put my mind to ease and always inspire me to want to keep pushing forward. She listens to every complaint or concern and tailors programs to fit perfectly to her clients. I’m currently training with her again and I can already tell this time is going to be as amazing as the first! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to work with her!

    — Jessica

  • Kelsey is simply amazing and beyond knowledgeable about fitness, nutrition and health. I was able to reach my goal and maintain my goal with her support, guidance and knowledge. She customized my plan which was key to my success. Not only is she an amazing coach but she’s an amazing person and deeply cares about her clients. She truly goes above and beyond. I worked with Kelsey for years and would highly recommend her to anyone trying to reach their health & fitness goals. Kelsey is the best of the best!!

    — Alex

  • “Working with Kelsey and learning so much from her has really been eye opening! I spent so much of my 20’s and early 30’s thinking that I had to barely eat to look a certain way. Now I have proof in my progress that it’s the opposite! I’ve been eating way more than I used to eat and I’m actually in a deficit, but feeling so good from the way I’ve fueled my body. I have never been as consistent as I’d like to be when it comes to my nutrition and I’m the first to give up on myself. Kelsey doesn’t let me do that and truly believed in me before I believed in myself! She has provided the tools such as daily check in questions, a community of supportive women, and tons of encouragement to all of us to keep going! Taking this leap to work with Kelsey is literally the best investment I’ve made for myself in a long time.”

    — Sara M.

  • “For just over a year, I started suffering from various symptoms of menopause. The worst being the constant brain fog and complete lack of energy. I tried everything... different exercises, foods, vitamins and nothing worked. I was at a total loss as I generally always knew what to do health wise to keep myself feeling good, but not this time. So I scheduled a call with Coach Kelsey. She was amazing to work with. She made me feel heard and she taught me not only to eat the right foods, but at the right times and the right amounts. How you combine the types of calories in your day makes a difference in how you feel all day long. She made such a difference. Now I fuel my body with purpose to handle whatever activity I am taking on or how to eat and still feel good if I have no activity in a day - sedentary. I love my relationship with food now - no more mindless eating. I feel great, I love the way my body has changed and continues to and I can say this program completely changed my current life and I am so thankful.”

    — Dawn A.

  • “When I started with Strong and Empowered Nutrition one year ago, I didn't know what to expect, I just knew I needed help to make some drastic changes with my overall health. I didn't do it to lose weight, I did it because I was exhausted and tired of feeling horrible no matter how well I ate and how much I exercised. My life has changed for the better. I can honestly say that I look in the mirror now and I am excited to see the woman looking back. I love how I feel on the inside. This is all because I had Kelsey walking by my side teaching me how to fuel my body properly for my workouts, managing my stress, managing perimenopause symptoms and changing my daily habits and routines to make significant lifestyle changes. I learned how to navigate major life changes throughout the year and how to take care of myself so I could care for my family. I always felt like Kelsey was right there to help me get through each challenge that came up and helped me with a plan. I now have the tools and knowledge to continue my health and fitness journey and am excited to see where I will be in another year, five years, ten years from now.”

    — Jenn K.

  • “I started with Kelsey simply because I knew I wanted body composition changes but I needed someone that was going to keep me accountable. Little did I know I would gain so much more and much more than I realized I needed. I have gained confidence in my self from how I feel to my physical abilities. I am confident in my ability to nourish my body properly and how to listen to my body. It has gone past so much more than physical though too. Kelsey acknowledged and supported the idea of knowing when to rest and when it was time to work on down regulating my nervous system. I honestly feel like a whole new person since I signed up with strong and empowered a year ago. I worked with another nutrition company for years and never saw the same changes I have seen in the last year. My mental health and the importance of rest was never addressed and knowing how to count macros with nutritious food was never addressed it was more so about hitting your macros. The how I got there was never a factor. When I started working with Kelsey I thought I just need someone to tell me what my macros are and make sure I don't quit. With every check in Kelsey has provided thoughtful responses with encouragement, grace , knowledge and the constant I believe in you. I truly have gained so much more than I expected from this experience. I can go on vacation or a work trip and know that I have the tools to be successful with my nutrition. I know the importance of getting outside to walk for extra movement but also for vitamin D and my mental health. I know and understand the importance of balanced meals and how to make a balanced meal. Kelsey also provided a mineral hair analysis and that was a game changer. Between that and reviewing my lab work she created a structured road map that would suit me. Strong and empowered is not a one size fits all. These programs and guidance are tailored to you as an individual. Like I said, I've worked with another company for years prior to this and never had this sort of success. I wholeheartedly believe that my health and my confidence and the success i have had in my health journey is due to Strong and empowered. Kelsey cares for her clients as if there are close friends and she wants to see you succeed and knows you can do something before you even believe in yourself. I am running a half marathon and Kelsey is supporting me through my training. I have ran half marathons before but it was always to lose weight (hopefully) but after a 6 years hiatus I decided to run again. But this time I am going in with the mindset of I'm doing this because I want to challenge myself and because I know I can. I have to tools to know how to properly fuel and the mindset of I can do it. Kelsey has transformed my mindset for the better through her practice and when the time comes to leave her program I am confident that she has equipped me with the proper tools and education to be successful. Strong and empowered not only had a wonderful leader/ coach but the community of women that has been created to bounce ideas off each other or someone to say today was tough but don't give up or girl I'm going through that too is unmatched.”

    — DeLena Z.

  • “I cannot recommend my nutrition therapy practitioner enough. From the moment I started working with her, my relationship with food and my overall health has completely transformed. For the first time in a long time, I feel healthy, strong, and balanced. What sets Kelsey apart from the rest is her holistic approach to health. She doesn't just focus on nutrition, but also looks at all aspects of health including sleep, stress management, fitness, and overall well-being. This comprehensive approach has truly made a difference in my life. I was initially hesitant about joining any program, but I can honestly say that working with Kelsey and being a part of her Live Empowered program has been the best decision I've made for my health. I feel like a completely different person and I am only halfway through my program!”

    — Cathy L.

  • “Working with Coach Kelsey and joining her 1-1 Live Empowered program has been a transformative experience for me. Before I started my journey with her, I was struggling with poor eating habits that resulted with low energy levels, migraines, acid reflux, and poor sleep patterns. Kelsey took the time to understand my unique needs and goals crafting a nutrition plan that has been both practical, effective and enjoyable to follow. Her program and knowledge of nutrition and holistic approach helped me develop sustainable eating habits that fit my lifestyle. I have gained a new appreciation for food and significantly improved my overall health. I have more energy and a much better understanding of how to nourish my body. Coach Kelsey is truly passionate about helping her clients succeed and it shows in every interaction. If you’re looking for a nutrition and wellness coach who truly cares about your well-being and will support you every step of the way, Coach Kelsey and her program is your life-changing choice.”

    — Sherryl P.

  • “I am four months into working with Kelsey and I can’t say enough great things. Of course she’s taught me about macros and developing a healthier relationship with food but what makes her different than the other programs I’ve tried is how she has taught me that it’s not only those aspects but it’s also how to take care of myself outside of my nutrition…like prioritizing sunlight and outside time, sleep, holding me accountable to boundaries, and encouraging me to teach my children these healthy ways too! Our weekly check-ins keep me on track and are always the motivation I need!”

    — Jacy B.

  • “Kelsey is the best! Kind Hearted, understanding, a joy to talk to and to work with. Don't think about it. Do it. You will not be disappointed in working with Kelsey!”

    — Max R.

  • “Working with Kelsey isn’t scary or intimidating. The process works if you trust it, and she helps you believe in yourself. I was so impressed with how much progress I was able to make in the program and would highly recommend her services to anyone! Regardless of your goals.”

    — Lauren O.

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